About Liquor Legends
Liquor Legends is one giant family and company. We are full of ambition, passion, and energy, shaped by our rich history of lively entrepreneurship. We are proudly celebrating 30 years in the independent liquor industry and remain one of the largest Retail Groups in Australia, with over 350 outlets pinned on google maps in almost every state and territory! Whilst Liquor Legends is our primary brand, Urban Cellars is our silent beast. Both banners consist of drive-thrus, bottle shops and on-premises venues.
Ranked best in class by the Advantage Mirror Report, the Liquor Legends Group is proud to be 100% independently owned and operated, serving tens and thousands of customers each week.
Our mission is to give our customers the ultimate convenience, competitive price points and great service. We want to give back to our customers and that's exactly what our rewards system does. We put a true value on our points and we reward all our Legends every day!
Liquor Legends is committed to the responsible consumption of alcohol, including working to reduce harmful practices in Australia. We have a strong partnership with Retail Drinks Australia which is a national industry body that represents the interests of Australia's packaged retail liquor stores, providing unwavering leadership, advocacy, and support.
We offer a range of services to all of our Members across all brands operating under the Liquor Legends Group banner. From an industry-leading Rewards and loyalty program, through to advertising, marketing support, Liquid Stock Control, Bookkeeping services, IT and equipment hardware, we have the tools to support your business in any capacity. In doing so, we provide a 'One-Stop Shop' with Liquid Stock Control bookkeeping and payroll solutions, so you can focus on your business, with access to a complete database and full system support.