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What does whisky taste like?
Whisky can take on many diverse tasting notes depending on where it was distilled and the grains used. How many types of whisky are there? - The top 5 whisky-producing countries are the USA, Canada, Ireland, Scotland and Japan. Each country utilises different practices to achieve its signature tastes from peat to fruity. Why is whiskey spelt two different ways? - The USA and Ireland spell whiskey with an 'e' and Canada and Scotland spell whisky with no e. Liquor Legends has a vast variety of whisky at great prices available online. We've got you covered whether it be new whisky, trending whisky, international whisky or local whisky.
What is the best whiskey brand?
Liquor Legends has the best range of whiskey in Australia available online and in-store. Popular whiskey brands we range include:
Liquor Legends has great variety of different whisky regions including:
Irish Whiskey
Scotch Whisky
Canadian Whisky
Japanese Whisky
American Whiskey
The best international whiskies are available at Liquor Legends.
Does Liquor Legends sell whiskey?
Liquor Legends has a wide range of whiskey, so there is something for everyone. You can shop in-store and online, click & collect and delivery is available! All Liquor Legends venues are independently owned and stock availability varies, so make sure you call ahead to avoid disappointment.
How can I get my Whiskey from Liquor Legends?
Looking for "Whiskey near me"? Get your Whiskey from Liquor Legends with no fuss or stress. Shop in-store at your Local Liquor Legends with convenience with our friendly staff and our click & collect service. If you would rather have your Whiskey delivered with Doordash, you can get your Whiskey within an hour of placing your order. If you are ordering something special, we also deliver with Australia Post. Reward Yourself Liquor at Legends.